Personality- everyone has one! Which type are you? Dr. Hunt believes that people are different, yet predictably so! She believes that when we can understand ourselves, then we can understand and communicate more effectively with each other! Dr. Hunt took the DISC, TEAMS, VALUES, and BEHAVIOR ATTITUDES INDEX (BAI) personality profiles and they changed her life! This new DISC knowledge was so impactful she became a certified behavioral expert, using this powerful DISC personality tool as the foundation of her dissertation study with a law enforcement team regarding communication and adapting to change. She then completed her doctoral study in Organizational Leadership and Christian Ministry, and currently partners with leaders and teams to improve communication, hiring, retention, placement, conflict resolution, and DISC certification.
There are 4 DISC strategies to help you immediately read and identify everyone you meet so you can KNOW how to effectively communicate and interact with them.
- Dominance (D)- how a person demonstrates assertion, controls situations, and deals with conflict. Characteristics include driver, determined, and innovator. Approximately 3% of the world are D's.
- Influence (I)- how a person interacts with, relates to and communicates with people. Characteristics include inspiring, impulsive, and negotiator of conflict. Approximately 11% of the world are I's.
- Steadiness (S)- how a person demonstrates a thoughtful, patient and steady temperament. Characteristics include steady, supportive, and loyal team worker. Approximately 69% of the world are S's.
- Compliance (C)- how a person organizes and analytically approaches procedures and activity. Characteristics include correct, cautious, and tests information. Approximately 17% of the world are C's.
You can use these 4 DISC styles to help understand yourself and others. These DISC strategies can absolutely help you place employees accurately, increase team performance and communication, duplicate and retain top performers, and interact with community members more effectively- it’s almost like insider information.
Whether you are a new or veteran leader or team member who has used personality profiles a lot or not at all, these DISC strategies can absolutely help you place employees effectively, increase team performance and communication, and duplicate and retain top performers- it’s almost like insider information.
When you utilize DISC strategies you recognize distinctive personality strengths & thinking preferences.
With diverse personalities every place we go, we must possess strategies that increase communication and positive relationships with diverse citizens and groups. Dr. Hunt certifies leaders as DISC behavioral coaches with great success in experiencing more effective communication.
Some areas of personality/behavior expertise:
DISC (Dominant, Influencing, Steady, Conscientious) Personality- Leadership, family, team building & placement, hiring, sales, conflict, counseling, careers & so much more!
STUDENTKEYS- For students & teachers junior high and up. Personality, Perceptual Lrng., Creative Thinking, Values Style, Career Choice, Goal Setting